"Please save me, bunker buster!" This article is a stub. You can expand it to help grow the MASA Works DESIGN Wiki! |
"Hello, this is Masa.
The life of that boy was filled with 'contradictions' and 'hopes.'
'I don't like anything.'"
BUNKER BUSTER is a VOCALOID song produced by Masa, featuring Hatsune Miku and GUMI as vocalists.
今日中デビルで フェイザはテンペスト | kyouchuu debiru de feiza wa tenpesuto | I'm a devil for today, and the phaser is a tempest. |
そう、バービー月収バーナー | sou, baabii gesshuu baanaa | That's right, barbie monthly pay burner. |
見くびる戦線、バンカーバスター | mikubiru sensen, bankaa basutaa | Belittling the war front, bunker buster. |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
供給ネヴァー 神、咳 | kyoukyuu nevaa kami, seki | There's never any supplies. God, *cough*. |
焼却炉に積極的 | shoukyakuro ni sekkyokuteki | I'm proactive when it comes to incinerators. |
嘘の幸せを並べてる | uso no shiawase o narabeteru | Lining up false happiness, |
誰も言わない。もう終わってると | dare mo iwanai. mou owatteru to | nobody says that it's already over. |
誰かが言わなきゃ始まらない。 | dareka ga iwanakya hajimaranai. | If nobody says it, things won't start. |
お願い助けてバンカーバスター | onegai tasukete, bankaa basutaa | Please save me, bunker buster! |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijen'nu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
供給ネヴァー 神、咳 | kyoukyuu nevaa kami, seki | There's never any supplies. God, *cough*. |
現地ね?ベンチでパリジェンヌ | genchi ne? benchi de parijennu | So, on-site? On the bench, Parisienne. |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
空がピカピカさ | sora ga pikapika sa | The sky is sparkling. |
砕けた幸せ、これが幸せ | kudaketa shiawase, kore ga shiawase | Smashed-up happiness is happiness. |
壊れた幸せ、これが幸せ | kowareta shiawase, kore ga shiawase | Broken happiness is happiness. |
正義を全う、誰も悪くない | seigi o mattou, dare mo warukunai | I carry out justice, and nobody is at fault. |
神と家畜の境界線 | kami to kachiku no kyoukaisen | This is the boundary between God and livestock. |
夢の見方さえ教えられるのか? | yume no mikata sae oshierareru no ka? | Can a way to dream even be taught? |
そんなものは夢じゃない | sonna mono wa yume ja nai | Those sorts of things aren't dreams. |
歩く死体、空飛ぶ子猫は | aruku shitai, sora tobu koneko wa | The walking corpse and the kitten flying in the sky |
人間ヘドロと変わらない | ningen hedoro to kawaranai | are no different to human sludge. |
愛を知らないと喚いた子供は | ai o shiranai to wameita kodomo wa | The child shouting that they don't care about love |
愛を求め血の海へ | ai o motome chi no umi e | fell into a sea of blood searching for it. |
頭のいい間抜けなカカシは | atama no ii manuke na kakashi wa | The smart, foolish scarecrow |
ゴミに隠れ生きて行く | gomi ni kakure ikite iku | lives while hidden in the rubbish. |
鏡に映る自分の事 | kagami ni utsuru jibun no koto | I get scared when I see myself |
見ると怖くなるのさ | miru to kowaku naru no sa | reflected in the mirror. |
四角い玉の上に立って | shikakui tama no ue ni tatte | Standing atop a square ball, |
世界の矛盾を解く | sekai no mujun o toku | I solve the world's contradictions. |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
供給ネヴァー 神、咳 | kyoukyuu nevaa kami, seki | There's never any supplies. God, *cough*. |
現地ね?ベンチでパリジェンヌ | genchi ne? benchi de parijennu | So, on-site? On the bench, Parisienne. |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
空がピカピカさ | sora ga pikapika sa | The sky is sparkling. |
未来は明日から煤けた未来に | mirai wa ashita kara susuketa mirai ni | From tomorrow, the future will become soot-stained. |
分かっちゃいねぇなもう終わってると | wakacchai nee na mo owatteru to | You just don't get that it's all over now. |
おれが始めなきゃ、始まらない | ore ga hajimenakya, hajimaranai | If I don't get things started, they won't start. |
天国は地獄、バンカーバスター | tengoku wa jigoku, bankaa basutaa | Heaven is hell, bunker buster. |
ガラスの画面に映るこの景色 | garasu no gamen ni utsuru kono keshiki | This landscape is displayed on a glass screen. |
他人事さこの娯楽 | taningoto sa kono goraku | This pleasure is someone else's business. |
真っ赤な空は憎みきれなくて | makka na sora wa nikumikirenakute | The blood-red sky is too full of hatred. |
涙流す家畜達 | namida nagasu kachikutachi | The livestock shed tears. |
煤けたプロペラ指も千切らずに | susuketa puropera yubi mo chigirazu ni | The sooty propeller doesn't tear my fingers. |
誰のせいだその痛み | dare no sei da sono itami | Who is to blame for that pain? |
全て終わる時は来ないけど | subete owaru toki wa konai kedo | The time won't come for everything to end |
命はすぐ煤になる | inochi wa sugu susu ni naru | but life turns to ash straight away. |
終わる現在を神の目で見てる | owaru genzai o kami no me de miteru | I witness the present era ending with the eyes of a god. |
人は神になれない | hito wa kami ni narenai | Humans cannot become gods. |
人の罪と命の天秤 | hito no tsumi to inochi no tenbin | The scales of human sin and life |
奴はけして動かない | yatsu wa keshite ugokanai | will never move. |
生きる事を諦めた鳥は | ikiru koto o akirameta tori wa | The bird who had given up on living |
影の踊り観ているよ | kage no odori mite iru yo | is observing the shadow dance. |
割れた空と哀れみの涙 | wareta sora to awaremi no namida | The sky is broken, and they shed tears of pity. |
おいで?全て許すから | oide? subete yurusu kara | Won't you come? I'll forgive everything. |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
ベイティバンバン ダーリンwow | beiti ban ban daarin wow | Beiti ban ban, darling, wow! |
供給ネヴァー 神、咳 | kyoukyuu nevaa kami, seki | There's never any supplies. God, *cough*. |
現地ね?ベンチでパリジェンヌ | genchi ne? benchi de parijennu | So, on-site? On the bench, Parisienne. |
ベンリィパーラー パリジェンヌ | benrii paaraa parijennu | Benri paaraa, Parisienne. |
空がピカピカさ | sora ga pikapika sa | The sky is sparkling. |
黒い閃光と紅い噴水 | kuroi senkou to akai funsui | A black glint and a crimson fountain. |
飼われた家畜と飼ってる家畜 | kawareta kachiku to katteru kachiku | Livestock were raised, and livestock are raised. |
正義を全う。おれは悪いのか? | seigi o mattou. ore wa warui no ka? | I carry out justice. Am I at fault? |
神と家畜の独り言 | kami to kachiku no hitorigoto | This is a soliloquy of gods and livestock. |
けして笑えない この物語は | keshite waraenai kono monogatari wa | This utterly unlaughable tale |
いつか忘れ消えてゆく | itsuka wasure kiete yuku | will someday be forgotten and fade away. |
曲がり角の先 ベンチの自分は | magarikado no saki benchi no jibun wa | Beyond the street corner, I sit on a bench. |
夢に溺れ死んでいる | yume ni obore shinde iru | I drown in dreams and die. |
全て塵だ 指先一つで | subete chiri da yubisaki hitotsu de | It's all junk. With a single fingertip, |
おれの世界、何もない | ore no sekai, nani mo nai | my world is empty. |
真っ赤な空をこの耳で聴いて | makka na sora o kono mimi de kiite | I listen to the blood-red sky |
堕とせ 全て残さずに | otose subete nokosazu ni | and drop everything, leaving nothing behind. |
English translation by Releska
- The song is named after a type of ammunition that is designed to, as one might guess, bust bunkers.
- The Miku silhouette seen 2:31-2:50 minutes into the PV is from the third version of Suishou no Utahime.
External Links[]
- Original Ver. NND Upload (Deleted)
- Original Ver. YT Upload (Deleted)
- Remake Ver. NND Upload
- Remake Ver. YT Upload (Privated)
- Remake Ver. SC Upload
- Original Ver. Reprint
- Alternative Original Ver. Reprint
- Remake Ver. Reprint
- Dream Walker Ver. Reprint