
"Hello, this is Masa.

I've composed a captivating song.
A brainwashing one.

Who's the remaining lunatic?"

Encantada, or The Orphan's Song, is an original VOCALOID song produced by Masa, featuring Hatsune Miku and GUMI. There are three versions of it: the first version was released on Niconico Douga and YouTube on March 12th, 2013, later being uploaded to SoundCloud on January 19th, 2015. The second one is a remix and included in the album ADULT, which the PV for was uploaded to YouTube and Niconico on July 12th, 2017, and the third one is a remaster of the ADULT version and is exclusive to ADULTRAZ.

It is the first released song in Maha's Story.



Canon Information[]

Encantada's Description[]

In a distant past, there existed a city that surpassed all bounds of normalcy. Long ago in Asia, it was believed that consuming human flesh could bestow eternal life. Ruled by a rapacious king, that city was consumed by an abnormal fervor of faith. Ingram, pills, Tokarev, and the orphan's song... the night metropolis, Encantada.

Encantada's On-screen Text[]


Come, come, gather 'round. Tonight's tale is one of a foreign land's history. Untold stories are erased histories. Madness rivaling that of The Story of the Kitsune is not tales of ghosts but of humans. Deeply rooted in faith is eternal life. Dismemberment, reattachment, rituals, and chanting. Religion, brainwashing, and human nature. Goosebumps if you listen; ignorance is bliss. If asked where that place is, I shall reveal. Shining brightly, Encantada.

Backdrop Buildings[]
Character Profiles[]

Koji no Uta's On-screen Text[]

Character Profiles[]

Mysterious woman - imprisonment: 1000 years
She is the person who actually controls Maha, and was last seen in Germany during the Encantada period. She is in possession of the Cartana sword which disappeared from a Roman cathedral a few years ago, and Luna is secured at a church in Encantada, where an order has been issued to seize it. Just before that, from the ground, a black ship appeared, which disappeared after destroying all the government personnel, and is believed to be the Queen Anne's Revenge, which has been ordered to be seized by the government.

Jack - imprisonment: 120 years
Presumed to be responsible for a series of murders in the city of London. If he indeed is the murderer, it means he is extremely dangerous; caution should be exercised. The MO is unknown, and there are no eyewitnesses, but it's still certain that he is the offender in this case. Nearly a hundred people were killed, including civilians and police officers. Currently, he seems to be a member of Maha.

Morian - imprisonment: 160 years
A large, strange man. His name has been frequently confirmed throughout the millennia of history. According to old government documents, he bears his name as an immortal chief priest who served Cortés in the old Aztec temple in a ruined ancient civilization. His name is also confirmed in the documents regarding the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Columbine Massacre.

Ase - imprisonment: eleven years
One of the richest men in the world and owner of Encantada. Although he has no criminal record on the surface, he is involved in human trafficking and other crimes in the underworld. His relationship to Maha is unknown. Confirmed dead when Encantada was overrun.

Luna Maria - imprisonment: 480 years
Has many pseudonyms; her real name is unknown. Uses the Infernal Heretic Prayers to propagate her dangerous ideas. The government puts an extraordinarily high price on her head, which is seemingly weird enough. Killing her is authorized by direct order from the government center. No record exists about her birth, making her impossible to identify. Always accompanied by Morian, so it's nearly impossible to kill or arrest her.

Partial English translation by Tackmyn Y.


Morian, now free, discovers the city of Encantada and kills a drug dealer named Borel Ase. Fearing for the safety of Maha, Echidna sacrifices a prostitute and exotic dancer in order to attempt to appease him, which he accepts. Some lines in the lyrics hint that the two later devour the dancer's corpse.


黒い金とギャンブルにまみれた kuroi kane to gyanburu ni mamireta Covered in black money and gambling,
夜の都エンカンターダ yoru no miyako enkantaada this is Encantada, the night metropolis.

カジノアヘン石油王の指輪 kajino ahen sekiyuou no yubiwa Casinos, opium, and an oil magnate's ring.
嘘に交尾全てが uso ni koubi subete ga Lies and even sex—everything's
許されるこのオアシス yurusareru kono oashisu allowed in this oasis.
夢に満ちた死人達 yume ni michita shibitotachi The corpses are full of dreams.

煙巻いてる 闇の支配者は kemuri maiteru yami no shihaisha wa They say the rulers of the dark, cloaked in smoke,
無類の女好きだと murui no onnazuki da to are peerless womanisers.
イングラム ピル トカレフ inguramu, piru, tokarefu Ingram, pills, Tokarev.
孤児の詩 koji no uta This is an orphan's song.

ばら売り少女の花言葉は bara uri shoujo no hanakotoba wa The rose-selling girl's floriography says:
「明日天気になぁれ」 "ashita tenki ni naare" "May tomorrow be fair."
パンダの餌は腹下ピンインぶら下げて pa pa panda no esa wa harashita pinyin burasagete Panda bait is in the stomach. Pinyin hangs suspended.
異常なアルビノ性欲表現 ijou na arubino, seiyoku hyougen People express their lust for uncommon albinos.
ばらばらにされた君と barabara ni sareta kimi to I'm with you, scattered in pieces,
朝には無くなる楽園の香り asa ni wa nakunaru rakuen no kaori and surrounded by the fragrance of paradise, which will vanish by morning.
夢の街 yume no machi This is the city of dreams.

ガンジャ アヘン 孤独な栽培者 ganja, ahen kodoku na saibaisha Solitary cultivators grow marijuana and opium.
飴と鞭で働く ame to muchi de hataraku Carrot and stick is their work policy.
汚されたこのオアシス kegasareta kono oashisu In this contaminated oasis
嘘に満ちた聖女達 uso ni michita seijotachi are holy women who are full of lies.

薬撒いてる裏の支配者は kusuri maiteru ura no shihaisha wa They say the rulers in the shadows, spreading their medicines,
騙すことが得意だと damasu koto ga tokui da to are good at deception.
ドラグノフ 鉈 ギロチン doragunofu nata girochin Dragunov, hatchet, guillotine.
晒し首 sarashi kubi The beheaded head is on display.

人間バクテーおいしいでしょ? ningen bakutee oishii desho? Human bak kut teh is tasty, right?
証拠も残らぬ味は shouko mo nokoruranu aji wa The taste, leaving no evidence behind,
猿の脳みそを啜る肥えたボンボンご主人様 sa sa saru no noumiso o susuru koeta bonbon goshujin-sama is of a common master, grown fat from sipping on monkey brains.
異常な世界と性欲体現 ijou na sekai to seiyoku taigen This is the embodiment of lust and this uncommon world.
ばらばらにされた君は barabara ni sareta kimi wa You, scattered in pieces,
朧火掲げて 私を見守る oborohi kakagete watashi o mimamoru raise the dim flame and watch over me.
あと少し ato sukoshi Just a little longer…

يرا من الجذاميرا من الجذاميرا من الجذاميرا من الجذاميرا من الجذاميرا من الجذام yra mn aljdamyra mn aljdamyra mn aljdamyra mn aljdamyra mn aljdamyra mn aljdam (He) sees from the roots of leprosy, (He) sees from the roots of leprosy, (He) sees from the roots of lep

हमारे लिए इस बलिदान के खून, hamaare li'ey is balidaan key khoon, We give you blood,
हे भगवान ओह द्वारा अनन्त जीवन प्रदान he bhagavaan ooh dwaar anant jiivan pradaan so bestow upon us eternal life, O Mighty God
تضفي الحياة الأبدية علينا من دم هذه الذبيحة، يا الله يا tdfy alhyah alabdyh 'elyna mn dm hdh aldbyhh, ya allh ya The eternal life is added upon us by the blood of this slaughtered (female), Oh God Oh
Дай жыццё вечнае нас крывёю гэтай ахвяры, daj žyccio viečnaje nas kryvioju hetaj achviary, Bestow eternal Life to us,
Божа, Аб Boža, Ab O Mighty God

煙巻いてる闇の支配者は kemuri maiteru yami no shihaisha wa They say the rulers of the dark, cloaked in smoke,
無類の女好きだと murui no onnazuki da to are peerless womanisers.
イングラム ピル トカレフ inguramu, piru, tokarefu Ingram, pills, Tokarev.
孤児の詩 koji no uta This is an orphan's song.

薔薇色少女の花言葉は barairo shoujo no hanakotoba wa The rose-coloured girl's floriography says:
「どうか許しておくれ」 "douka yurushite okure" "Please forgive me."
リカオンの餌は貴方と私の2人だけ rikaon no esa wa anata to watashi no futari dake The lycaon bait is you and I together, alone.
異常なアルビノ 性欲表現 ijou na arubino, seiyoku hyougen People express their lust for uncommon albinos.
ばらばらにされた君と barabara ni sareta kimi to I'm with you, scattered in pieces,
朝には無くなる 楽園の香り asa ni wa nakunaru rakuen no kaori and surrounded by the fragrance of paradise, which will vanish by morning.
夢の街 yume no machi This is the city of dreams.
Partial English translation by Releska

黒い金とギャンブルにまみれた kuroi kane to gyanburu ni mamireta Covered in black money and gambling,
夜の都エンカンターダ yoru no miyako enkantaada this is Encantada, the night metropolis.

カジノアヘン石油王の指輪 kajino ahen sekiyuou no yubiwa Casinos, opium, and an oil magnate's ring.
嘘に交尾全てが uso ni koubi subete ga Lies and even sex—everything's
許されるこのオアシス yurusareru kono oashisu allowed in this oasis.
夢に満ちた死人達 yume ni michita shibitotachi The corpses are full of dreams.

煙巻いてる 闇の支配者は kemuri maiteru yami no shihaisha wa They say the rulers of the dark, cloaked in smoke,
無類の女好きだと murui no onnazuki da to are peerless womanisers.
イングラム ピル トカレフ inguramu, piru, tokarefu Ingram, pills, Tokarev.
孤児の詩 koji no uta This is an orphan's song.

ばら売り少女の花言葉は bara uri shoujo no hanakotoba wa The rose-selling girl's floriography says:
「明日天気になぁれ」 "ashita tenki ni naare" "May tomorrow be fair."
パンダの餌は腹下ピンインぶら下げて pa pa panda no esa wa harashita pinyin burasagete Panda bait is in the stomach. Pinyin hangs suspended.
異常なアルビノ性欲表現 ijou na arubino, seiyoku hyougen People express their lust for uncommon albinos.
ばらばらにされた君と barabara ni sareta kimi to I'm with you, scattered in pieces,
朝には無くなる楽園の香り asa ni wa nakunaru rakuen no kaori and surrounded by the fragrance of paradise, which will vanish by morning.
夢の街 yume no machi This is the city of dreams.

ガンジャ アヘン 孤独な栽培者 ganja, ahen kodoku na saibaisha Solitary cultivators grow marijuana and opium.
飴と鞭で働く ame to muchi de hataraku Carrot and stick is their work policy.
汚されたこのオアシス kegasareta kono oashisu In this contaminated oasis
嘘に満ちた聖女達 uso ni michita seijotachi are holy women who are full of lies.

薬撒いてる裏の支配者は kusuri maiteru ura no shihaisha wa They say the rulers in the shadows, spreading their medicines,
騙すことが得意だと damasu koto ga tokui da to are good at deception.
ドラグノフ 鉈 ギロチン doragunofu nata girochin Dragunov, hatchet, guillotine.
晒し首 sarashi kubi The beheaded head is on display.

人間バクテーおいしいでしょ? ningen bakutee oishii desho? Human bak kut teh is tasty, right?
証拠も残らぬ味は shouko mo nokoruranu aji wa The taste, leaving no evidence behind,
猿の脳みそを啜る肥えたボンボンご主人様 sa sa saru no noumiso o susuru koeta bonbon goshujin-sama is of a common master, grown fat from sipping on monkey brains.
異常な世界と性欲体現 ijou na sekai to seiyoku taigen This is the embodiment of lust and this uncommon world.
ばらばらにされた君は barabara ni sareta kimi wa You, scattered in pieces,
朧火掲げて 私を見守る oborohi kakagete watashi o mimamoru raise the dim flame and watch over me.
あと少し ato sukoshi Just a little longer…

煙巻いてる闇の支配者は kemuri maiteru yami no shihaisha wa They say the rulers of the dark, cloaked in smoke,
無類の女好きだと murui no onnazuki da to are peerless womanisers.
イングラム ピル トカレフ inguramu, piru, tokarefu Ingram, pills, Tokarev.
孤児の詩 koji no uta This is an orphan's song.

薔薇色少女の花言葉は barairo shoujo no hana kotoba wa The rose-coloured girl's floriography says:
「どうか許しておくれ」 "douka yurushite okure" "Please forgive me."
リカオンの餌は貴方と私の2人だけ rikaon no esa wa anata to watashi no futari dake The lycaon bait is you and I together, alone.
異常なアルビノ 性欲表現 ijou na arubino, seiyoku hyougen People express their lust for uncommon albinos.
ばらばらにされた君と barabara ni sareta kimi to I'm with you, scattered in pieces,
朝には無くなる 楽園の香り asa ni wa nakunaru rakuen no kaori and surrounded by the fragrance of paradise, which will vanish by morning.
夢の街 yume no machi This is the city of dreams.
English translation by Releska

Related Songs[]

Mentalism Maria:

Chinese Dogma:

Character Appearances[]


  • In the ritual segment, the text at the bottom in the original PV is clearly a joke, as when translated, this is what it means: "It looks like they are doing yoga." However, in the remake, it is translated as: "The orphans are praying to their god."

External Links[]



