"Hello, this is Masa.
This is a song about women who shine in the world of night.
'Table 4 coming right up!'"
GRAND CABARET is a VOCALOID song created by Masa, featuring GUMI and Hatsune Miku. Originally from Masa's third album, ALBINO, it was released on April 15th, 2019.
The PV for this song was first uploaded to his YouTube channel on September 8th, 2019, and later to his Niconico Douga account on December 27th, 2019.
It is a stand-alone and thus doesn't belong to a specific series.
The song is 4:41 minutes long and was released on April 15th, 2019, as part of ALBINO, while the PV was uploaded to YouTube on September 8th, 2019, and Niconico Douga on December 27th, 2019.
However, prior to its release, the production process was shown via live streaming and tweets.
It received over 42k views on YouTube's auto-generation, over 1 million views on the YouTube upload of the PV, and over 32k views on the Niconico Douga upload.
Canon Information[]
GRAND CABARET's Description[]
In a sophisticated and elegant venue that emanates a rich atmosphere by featuring a renowned band, a tumultuous battle among women begins. A man, adept at maintaining a delicate balance between kindness and malice with a lavish display of wealth, drives the women to madness as a distinguished patron.
Farewell to the fellow who babbles about JINRO incoherently!
"Did you see that? Haha, him with the Dom Pérignon as an appetizer, how amusing."
This song, which seems to be set in a hostess club, is also about their culture, seen primarily from the perspective of GUMI and Hatsune Miku, who take on the roles of hostesses themselves here.
夜の街の女のお店 | yoru no machi no onna no omise | At this brothel in the night streets |
さぁ、素敵な時間をあげましょう | saa, suteki na jikan o agemashou | we'll give you a good time. |
疲れた街のネオン | tsukareta machi no neon | Among the neon lights in the worn-out streets, |
かわいい女の子が正義 | kawaii onnanoko ga seigi | pretty girls are right. |
ドレスを選び | doresu o erabi | I choose a dress, |
髪の毛盛り盛り化粧して | kaminoke morimori keshou shite | do up my hair and put my makeup on. |
それぞれが夢を叶えるために | sorezore ga yume o kanaeru tame ni | It's all so I can fulfil their dreams. |
酒を飲んで接客をする | sake o nonde sekkyaku o suru | I swig some booze and serve the guests. |
こんばんわ!ハイ!こんばんわ! | konbanwa! hai! konbanwa! | Good evening! Yes! Good evening! |
指名をいただき、ハイ!どうも | shimei o itadaki, hai! doumo | Thank you for choosing me. Yes! Thank you. |
最高のおもてなし | saikou no omotenashi | It's the best service— |
お酒と私 | osake to watashi | Booze and me. |
えええぇ!?安っすいボトルかよ!? | eeee!? yassui botoru ka yo!? | Oh?! Isn't that a cheap bottle? |
セクハラトーク 安い知識 | sekuhara tooku yasui chishiki | With dirty talk and cheap knowledge, |
おっさんリーマン羽振りを利かせて | ossan riiman haburi o kikasete | the middle-age salaryman flaunts his power |
女の嫌がる常套句 | onna no iyagaru joutouku | using the clichés women hate. |
こんばんわ!ハイ!こんばんわ! | konbanwa! hai! konbanwa! | Good evening! Yes! Good evening! |
毎度のご指名感謝します | maido no goshimei kansha shimasu | Thank you for choosing me each time. |
極上のおもてなし | gokujou no omotenashi | It's first-rate service— |
お金と私 | okane to watashi | Cash and me. |
やぁん!高くておいしいよ! | yaan! takakute oishii yo! | Ah! It's so expensive and tasty! |
お金と許容が雰囲気作って | okane to kyoyou ga fun'iki tsukutte | Money and permission make the mood. |
トークも容姿もイケメン男子の | tooku mo youshi mo ikemen danshi no | The man is handsome in figure and in speech |
女の喜ぶ常套句 | onna no yorokobu joutouku | using all the clichés that delight women. |
さぁ!さぁ!今夜も飲んで! | saa! saa! kon'ya mo nonde! | Come on! Drink your fill again tonight! |
ホールを全部ブチアゲて! | hooru o zenbu buchiagete! | The halls are all in high spirits. |
大金使って夢を見て | taikin tsukatte yume o mite | Pay a fortune and dream for a night. |
あぁ、明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | aa, ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
お金を使いに来たんでしょ? | okane o tsukai ni kitan desho? | You came to spend some cash, didn't you? |
私と喋りに来たんでしょ? | watashi to shaberi ni kitan desho? | You came to chat with me, didn't you? |
大金使って夢を見て | taikin tsukatte yume o mite | Pay a fortune and dream for a night. |
あぁ、明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | aa, ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
夜の楽園さグランドキャバレー | yoru no rakuen sa gurando kyabaree | It's night's paradise; a grand cabaret. |
酒と金、女、桃源郷 | sake to kane, onna, tougenkyou | Booze and cash and women—it's Shangri-la! |
金をバラ撒いてグラスを鳴らして | kane o baramaite gurasu o narashite | Scatter your cash around and clink your glasses. |
明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
欲望渦巻くグランドキャバレー | yokubou uzumaku gurando kyabaree | Lust curls round the grand cabaret. |
金を積ませため甘えます | kane o tsumase tame amaemasu | To make the cash pile up, I fawn over them. |
腕を組む時に胸を押し当てて | ude o kumu toki ni mune o oshiatete | When we link arms, they press against my chest. |
ボトルを入れたらもう知らねぇ! | botoru o iretara mou shiranee! | Keep a bottle and I don't care! |
ハイ!4番テーブル入りまーす! | hai! yonban teeburu hairimaasu! | Okay, table 4 coming right up! |
リシャール、ドンペリ、ルイ13世! | rishaaru, donperi, rui juusan sei! | A Richard, a Dom Pérignon and a Louis XIII! |
大金ガン積みお酒のシャワーで | daikan ganzumi osake no shawaa de | I'm flooded with money, and in a shower of booze, |
パンツはとっくにグッショグショ! | pantsu wa tokku ni gusshogusho! | my panties get sopping wet. |
女の世界で踊れよ踊れ | onna no sekai de odore yo odore | Dance in this world of women. Dance! |
目を見て話す金の事 | me o mite hanasu kane no koto | Look into my eyes and let's talk about the price. |
やぁん!高くておいしいよ! | yaan! takakute oishii yo! | Ah! It's so expensive and tasty! |
トークとお世辞でお金を作って | tooku to oseji de okane o tsukutte | You spend your money on banter and flattery. |
たばこに火を着け勘定スタート | tabako ni hi o tsuke kanjou sutaato | You light your cigarette, then billing starts. |
お世辞も嘘も常套句 | oseji mo uso mo joutouku | Flattery, lies, and clichés… |
さぁ!さぁ!今夜も飲んで! | saa! saa! kon'ya mo nonde! | Come on! Drink your fill again tonight! |
ホールを全部ブチアゲて! | hooru o zenbu buchiagete! | The halls are all in high spirits. |
大金使って夢を見て | taikin tsukatte yume o mite | Pay a fortune and dream for a night. |
あぁ、明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | aa, ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
お金を使いに来たんでしょ? | okane o tsukai ni kitan desho? | You came to spend some cash, didn't you? |
私と喋りに来たんでしょ? | watashi to shaberi ni kitan desho? | You came to chat with me, didn't you? |
大金使って夢を見て | taikin tsukatte yume o mite | Pay a fortune and dream for a night. |
あぁ、明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | aa, ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
夜の楽園さグランドキャバレー | yoru no rakuen sa gurando kyabaree | It's night's paradise; a grand cabaret. |
酒と金、女、桃源郷 | sake to kane, onna, tougenkyou | Booze and cash and women—it's Shangri-la! |
金をバラ撒いてグラスを鳴らして | kane o baramaite gurasu o narashite | Scatter your cash around and clink your glasses. |
明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
夢売り女のグランドキャバレー | yume uri onna no gurando kyabaree | Women sell dreams at the grand cabaret. |
金を積ませるため甘えます | kane o tsumaseru tame amaemasu | To make the cash pile up, I fawn over the patrons. |
ちゃっかりチェックの財布のブランド | chakkari chekku no saifu no burando | I check the logo on their wallets shrewdly. |
レミーを入れたらもう知らねぇ! | remii o iretara mou shiranee! | Pour the Remy Martin and I don't care! |
ハイ!4番テーブル入りまーす! | hai! yonban teeburu hairimaasu! | Okay, table 4 coming right up! |
リシャール、ドンペリ、ルイ13世! | rishaaru, donperi, rui juusan sei! | A Richard, a Dom Pérignon and a Louis XIII! |
大金ガン積みお酒のシャワーで | daikin ganzumi osake no shawaa de | I'm flooded with money, and in a shower of booze |
パンツはとっくにグッショグショ! | pantsu wa tokku ni gusshogusho! | my panties get sopping wet. |
夜の楽園さグランドキャバレー | yoru no rakuen sa gurando kyabaree | It's night's paradise; a grand cabaret. |
酒と金、女、桃源郷 | sake to kane, onna, tougenkyou | Booze and cash and women—it's Shangri-la! |
金をバラ撒いてグラスを鳴らして | kane o baramaite gurasu o narashite | Scatter your cash around and clink your glasses. |
明日の事はもう知らねぇ! | ashita no koto wa mou shiranee! | Ah, I don't care about tomorrow anymore! |
女の世界で踊れよ、踊れ | onna no sekai de odore yo, odore | Dance in this world of women. Dance! |
目を見て話す金の事 | me o mite hanasu kane no koto | Look into my eyes and let's talk about the price. |
欲望渦巻くグランドキャバレー | yokubou uzumaku gurando kyabaree | Lust curls round the grand cabaret. |
金を積ませる為甘えます | kane o tsumaseru tame amaemasu | To make the cash pile up, I fawn over them. |
腕を組む時に胸を押し当てて | ude o kumu toki ni mune o oshiatete | When we link arms, they press against my chest. |
ボトルを入れたらもう知らねぇ! | botoru o iretara mou shiranee! | Keep a bottle and I don't care! |
English translation by Releska
- GUMI originally had her hair down, but Masa later changed it to a ponytail.
- The drinks mentioned in the lyrics are all expensive and considered luxury items.
- Later in the PV, Miku holds the Louis XIII cognac in her hands instead of a typical liquor bottle.