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"Hello, this is Masa.
This is a song about a restaurant in a lawless place."
KOWLOON HANTEN is an original VOCALOID song produced by Masa, featuring Hatsune Miku and GUMI, and was released on the album ANTI POP on May 1st, 2020, with a PV uploaded to YouTube on January 27th, 2021.
It is the seventh released song in Maha's Story and most likely the third chronologically within the story, between Mentalism Maria and Chinese Dogma.
Canon Information[]
KOWLOON HANTEN's Description[]
To secure Rakurai, Maria and Chlordane infiltrated the Kowloon district. They decided to open a restaurant using Maha's funds to gather information, but due to their poor culinary skills, they ended up in significant debt. With their funds depleted, they resorted to earning money through sex appeal and violence, leading to great success.[1]
積み上げられた家の隙間抜けて | tsumiagerareta ie no sukima nukete | Slip through a gap in the houses piled on top of each other. |
狭い繁華街の奥の店で | semai hankagai no oku no mise de | In a shop in the bowels of the cramped downtown, |
死んでも皆が笑えりゃ良いじゃん? | shinde mo mina ga waraerya ii jan? | Even if you die, shouldn't everyone be able to laugh together? |
今日の飲み代はお前持ち! | kyou no nomidai wa omae mochi! | Today's drinks are on you! |
まるで掃き溜めさ酔っ払いの街 | marude hakidame sa yopparai no machi | This town of drunkards is quite like a rubbish heap. |
変な肉団子酒で流し込む | hen na niku dango sake de nagashikomu | What's in these meatballs? I wash 'em down with rice wine. |
こいつが生き甲斐、外での宴会 | koitsu ga ikigai, soto de no enkai | This fellow's our reason for living, throwing a banquet outside. |
今日の飲み代はお前持ち! | kyou no nomidai wa omae mochi! | Today's drinks are on you! |
誰もが知ってる映画の世界さ | dare mo ga shitteru eiga no sekai sa | There's no one who's not well aware of the world of movies. |
中身を覗けばそれは現実さ | nakami o nozokeba sore wa genjitsu sa | When you peek at the filling, that's reality. |
皆が集まる量販店、 | mina ga atsumaru ryouhanten, | Everyone assembles at the emporium, |
失踪事件の中心地 | shissou jiken no chuushinchi | The centre of disappearance cases. |
やたらと綺麗な九龍飯店 | yatara to kirei na kuuron hanten | It's a Chinese restaurant in indiscriminately lovely Kowloon. |
美女がドレス来てルールを説明 | bijo ga doresu kite ruuru o setsumei | A beautiful lady comes in a dress. Let her explain the rules. |
芥子から作った紹興酒呑んで | keshi kara tsukutta shoukoushu nonde | Drink some shaoxingjiu made from opium poppies, |
向かいの席へ引き金引け! | mukai no seki e hikigane hike! | Aim at the seat facing you, and pull the trigger! |
並べたグラスとデリンジャー | narabeta gurasu to derinjaa | Glasses lined up and a derringer, |
円卓の前のギャングスタ | entaku no mae no gyangusuta | Gangsters in front of the round tables... |
グラスに詰め込む酒とプライド | gurasu ni tsumekomu sake to puraido | I jam rice wine and pride into each glass, |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | For the star of Hong Kong is making their appearance! |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
視界は朦朧気分は高揚 | shikai wa mourou kibun wa kouyou | Your vision is hazy, but your mood's never been better. |
まるで映画の主役気分 | marude eiga no shuyaku kibun | It's as though you're the lead actor in a film. |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
グラスに詰め込む酒とプライド | gurasu ni tsumekomu sake to puraido | I jam rice wine and pride into each glass, |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | For the star of Hong Kong is making their appearance! |
今日も新しい朝が始まる | kyou mo atarashii asa ga hajimaru | Today as usual, a brand-new morning is beginning. |
通りの饅頭屋今日も繁盛 | toori no manjuuya kyou mo hanjou | The local manjuu seller is thriving today too. |
問屋はどこかな?九龍飯店? | ton'ya wa doko kana? kuuron hanten? | I wonder where the wholesale store is, or the Chinese restaurant in Kowloon? |
別にどこだって気にしない | betsu ni doko datte ki ni shinai | Wherever they are, I don't particularly care. |
朝から潰れる酔っ払い共は | asa kara tsubureru yopparai-domo wa | The drunkards have been out of commission since morning. |
変な肉団子酒で流し込む | hen na niku dango sake de nagashikomu | What's in these meatballs? I wash 'em down with rice wine. |
こいつが生き甲斐、外での宴会 | koitsu ga ikigai, soto de no enkai | This fellow's our reason for living, throwing a banquet outside. |
今日の飲み代はお前持ち! | kyou no nomidai wa omae mochi! | Today's drinks are on you! |
誰もが知ってる映画の世界さ | dare mo ga shitteru eiga no sekai sa | There's no one who's not well aware of the world of movies. |
中身を覗けばそれは現実さ | nakami o nozokeba sore wa genjitsu sa | When you peek at the filling, that's reality. |
皆が集まる量販店、 | mina ga atsumaru ryouhanten, | Everyone assembles at the emporium, |
失踪事件の中心地 | shissou jiken no chuushinchi | The centre of disappearance cases. |
やたらと綺麗な九龍飯店 | yatara to kirei na kuuron hanten | It's a Chinese restaurant in indiscriminately lovely Kowloon. |
美女がドレス来てルールを説明 | bijo ga doresu kite ruuru o setsumei | A beautiful lady comes in a dress. Let her explain the rules. |
芥子から作った紹興酒呑んで | keshi kara tsukutta shoukoushu nonde | Drink some shaoxingjiu made from opium poppies, |
向かいの奴の頭を割れ! | mukai no yatsu no atama o ware! | And smash the head of the jerkoff facing you! |
並べたグラスと青龍刀 | narabeta gurasu to seiryuutou | Glasses lined up and a scimitar, |
円卓の前のギャングスタ | entaku no mae no gyangusuta | Gangsters in front of the round tables... |
グラスに詰め込む酒とプライド | gurasu ni tsumekomu sake to puraido | I jam rice wine and pride into each glass, |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | For the star of Hong Kong is making their appearance! |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
脳天一撃青龍刀 | nouten ichigeki seiryuutou | You deal a single blow to the top of each head with the scimitar. |
まるで映画の主役気分 | marude eiga no shuyaku kibun | It's as though you're the lead actor in a film. |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
楽しくやってる俺とお前と | tanoshiku yatteru ore to omae to | We're having a blast—just you and me |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | And the star of Hong Kong, making their appearance! |
並べたグラスとデリンジャー | narabeta gurasu to derinjaa | Glasses lined up and a derringer, |
円卓の前のギャングスタ | entaku no mae no gyangusuta | Gangsters in front of the round tables... |
グラスに詰め込む酒とプライド | gurasu ni tsumekomu sake to puraido | I jam rice wine and pride into each glass, |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | For the star of Hong Kong is making their appearance! |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
視界は朦朧気分は高揚 | shikai wa mourou kibun wa kouyou | Your vision is hazy, but your mood's never been better. |
まるで映画の主役気分 | marude eiga no shuyaku kibun | It's as though you're the lead actor in a film. |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
一杯!两杯! BAN!BAN!BAN! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! BAN!BAN!BAN! | One cup! Two cups! BANG! BANG! BANG! |
グラスに詰め込む酒とプライド | gurasu ni tsumekomu sake to puraido | I jam rice wine and pride into each glass, |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | For the star of Hong Kong is making their appearance! |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
脳天一撃青龍刀 | nouten ichigeki seiryuutou | You deal a single blow to the top of each head with the scimitar. |
まるで映画の主役気分 | marude eiga no shuyaku kibun | It's as though you're the lead actor in a film. |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
一杯!两杯! 断!断!断! | yībēi! liǎng bēi! duàn! duàn! duàn! | One cup! Two cups! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! |
楽しくやってる俺とお前と | tanoshiku yatteru ore to omae to | We're having a blast—just you and me |
香港スターのお出ましだ! | honkon sutaa no odemashi da! | And the star of Hong Kong, making their appearance! |
English translation by MeaningfulUsername
Related Songs[]
Character Appearances[]
- Maria Kanzaki
- Chlordane
- Rakurai [Indirect Appearance]
External Links[]
- YouTube broadcast (PV)
- YouTube auto-generation (ANTI POP)
- Masa's blog