"Hello, this is Masa.
This is a song about a truly nefarious person.
'Was your GT380 the same colour?'"
PARIS GREEN is a VOCALOID song that was released by Masa on June 25th, 2021, alongside his album, ANHEDONIA, with the PV uploaded on August 23rd, 2022, on his YouTube channel.
It is a stand-alone song and doesn't belong to a specific series.
The song appeared on Masa's album, ANHEDONIA, released on June 25th, 2022, along with a PV on his YouTube channel on August 23rd, 2022, which included illustrations that had been previously previewed in live streams.
It gained over 140k views in YouTube's auto-generation and more than 370k views on the actual PV.
Canon Information[]
PARIS GREEN's Introduction[]
As that boy had many friends, among them were several exceedingly vicious individuals.
They lacked the coolness portrayed in comics and movies; instead, they were people who indiscriminately spread violence based solely on their whims.
They rampaged relentlessly, only to be apprehended and then mysteriously vanish on their own accord.
Now, no one dares to utter their names.
PARIS GREEN's Description[]
This is a song about an incredibly violent person.
At one point, she developed a fondness for the color green and started using suspicious pigments for her makeup and nails. Rumor has it that these pigments were found among her foreign grandfather's belongings, and she began wearing them as a way to cope with her grief.
Suddenly, she split a friend's head with an iron pipe, and at that moment, her face was half crying and half smiling.
From that day on, she became a ruler.
However, a few years later, she died unexpectedly.
Further Details - Part One[]
Have you noticed?
[Miku] endured so much hardship in the past that it made her aggressive. Though she casually unleashes violence, gradually, she unconsciously sheds tears, perhaps indicating that her last remnants of conscience are weeping, even though she remains violent, causing unease among those around her.
Further Details - Part Two[]
Actually, the bat that GUMI is holding has "Babe Ruth" written on it.
For delinquents, I think naming a favorite weapon like a pet reflects a sense of attachment.
Additionally, she typically wields larger tools as weapons, such as a long screwdriver or a wrench. The reason is that they are easier to conceal during inspections.
ごきげんよう皆さん | gokigen'you minasan | How do you do, everybody? |
面白いものをお見せします | omoshiroi mono o omise shimasu | I'm going to show you something interesting, |
世にも珍しい鮮やかな緑 | yo ni mo mezurashii azayaka na midori | an extremely peculiar, vivid green. |
人生この顔料で染めとこうか | jinsei kono ganryou de sometokou ka | Shall I dye life with this pigment? |
お前のキャデラックこの色だっけ | omae no kyaderakku kono iro dakke | Was your Cadillac the same colour? |
いや黒にラメを飛ばしてるだけ | iya kuro ni rame o tobashiteru dake | No, it's just black with some sparkle through it, |
緑のシートのローライダー | midori no shiito no rooraidaa | a lowrider with green seats. |
エアサスとびます | easasu tobimasu | The air suspension is bouncing. |
パリスグリーン | parisu guriin | Paris green. |
噂を知ってるかい | uwasa o shitteru kai | Have you heard the rumours? |
緑のマリアのその秘密 | midori no maria no sono himitsu | They're talking about green Maria's secret, |
あいつは噓吐きだ | aitsu wa usotsuki da | she's a liar. |
濁った眼玉が見てきた世界は | nigotta medama ga mite kita sekai wa | The world she sees through those cloudy eyes |
緑に対する異常な執着 | midori ni taisuru ijou na shuuchaku | is strangely fond of the colour green. |
ヒソヒソしながら | hisohiso shi nagara | She's hiding something |
何か隠してる | nanika kakushiteru | while whispering away. |
皆が恐れるマリアの入れ墨 | mina ga osoreru maria no irezumi | Everyone fears Maria's tattoo. |
爪を噛むエロい女の誇りさ | tsume o kamu eroi onna no hokori sa | It's the pride of an erotic woman who bites her nails. |
ごきげんよう皆さん | gokigen'you minasan | How do you do, everybody? |
面白いものをお見せします | omoshiroi mono o omise shimasu | I'm going to show you something interesting, |
人を笑顔にする綺麗な緑 | hito o egao ni suru kirei na midori | a pretty green that makes people smile. |
人生この顔料で染めとこうか | jinsei kono ganryou de sometokou ka | Shall I dye life with this pigment? |
お前のサンパチこの色だっけ | omae no san pachi kono iro dakke | Was your GT380 the same colour? |
白にブーメラン入れてるだけ | shiro ni buumeran ireteru dake | No, it's just white with a boomerang. |
ブッた切りの集合管 | buttakiri no shuugoukan | The exhaust muffler has been cut off. |
ニケツのマリア | niketsu no maria | Maria's riding tandem, |
香るパリスグリーン | kaoru parisu guriin | smelling like Paris green. |
完全にイカレてる | kanzen ni ikareteru | That queen bee |
女王蜂女 | jooubachi onna | is utterly bonkers. |
短命の兵士と | tanmei no heishi to | The short-lived soldiers |
緑のマリア緑のマリア | midori no maria midori no maria | are with green Maria, green Maria. |
私の全て受け入れて | watashi no subete ukeirete | Take me for who I am |
笑え緑の粉末でブッ飛んどく | warae midori no funmatsu de buttondoku | and laugh, get high on my green powder. |
誰もが認める悪党の | dare mo ga mitomeru akutou no | She's a scoundrel in anyone’s eyes, |
イカレたマリア | ikareta maria | crazy Maria. |
充血した目で熱いキス | juuketsu shita me de atsui kisu | With bloodshot eyes and passionate kisses, |
下唇思いっきり吸い込んで | shitakuchibiru omoikkiri suikonde | I sucked up my lower lip with all my might. |
耳を塞いで目を閉じて | mimi o fusaide me o tojite | Close your eyes and block your ears, |
パンツ下して私の上においで | pantsu oroshite watashi no ue ni oide | drop your panties and come on top of me. |
スコッチ持ってきて | sukocchi motte kite | Bring the scotch |
すぐさま乾杯だ | sugusama kanpai da | and let's drain our glasses. Cheers! |
酔いもそろそろ来たんじゃねぇ | yoi mo sorosoro kita nja nee | Starting to feel drunk now, huh? |
誘惑の緑の缶の出番かね | yuuwaku no midori no kan no deban ka ne | I guess it's time for that tempting green can. |
誰かの墓の下に | dareka no haka no shita ni | The Midori that was hidden |
隠されたミドリは | kakusareta midori wa | beneath someone's grave |
出所不明の鮮やかな緑 | dedokoro fumei no azayaka na midori | is a vivid green, though nobody knows the source. |
人生この顔料で染めとこうか | jinsei kono ganryou de sometokou ka | Shall I dye life with this pigment? |
あいつ一日中寝てるんだっけ | aitsu ichinichichuu neteru ndakke | Is she gonna spend all day sleeping? |
いやいろんな女抱いてるだけ | iya ironna onna daiteru dake | Nah, she's just got all kinds of chicks in her arms. |
緑のキャミソールを着た | midori no kyamisooru o kita | Stop hanging around |
イカレたあいつに | ikareta aitsu ni | with that crazy person |
関わるのは止めろ | kakawaru no wa yamero | who wore a green camisole. |
充血した目で熱いキス | juuketsu shita me de atsui kisu | With bloodshot eyes and passionate kisses, |
下唇思いっきり吸い込んで | shitakuchibiru omoikkiri suikonde | I sucked up my lower lip with all my might. |
耳を塞いで目を閉じて | mimi o fusaide me o tojite | Close your eyes and block your ears, |
パンツ下して私の上においで | pantsu oroshite watashi no ue ni oide | drop your panties and come on top of me. |
スコッチ持ってきて | sukocchi motte kite | Bring the scotch |
すぐさま乾杯だ | sugusama kanpai da | and let's drain our glasses. Cheers! |
酔いもそろそろ来たんじゃねぇ | yoi mo sorosoro kita nja nee | Starting to feel drunk now, huh? |
誘惑の緑の缶の出番かね | yuuwaku no midori no kan no deban ka ne | I guess it's time for that tempting green can. |
子供の時から悪い事ばかり | kodomo no toki kara warui koto bakari | She's been nothing but trouble since she was a kid. |
泡吹くまで人も殴った | awa fuku made hito mo nagutta | She'd beat people until their mouths frothed. |
暴行 恐喝 暴走行為 | boukou kyoukatsu bousou koui | Assault, extortion, reckless conduct. |
お巡り見たら煽りまっくた | omawari mitara aorimakkuta | Once she saw a cop, she'd go wild. |
大人になっても何も変わらねぇ | otona ni natte mo nani mo kawaranee | She didn't change when they grew up. |
誰か殺しちまいそうで参った | dareka koroshichimaisou de maitta | She has a murderous look about her. I give up. |
日に日にイカレるあいつの顔見て | hi ni hi ni ikareru aitsu no kao mite | I looked at her face, beaten up day after day |
次は自分だと覚悟した | tsugi wa jibun da to kakugo shita | and could tell that I'd be next. |
命を削り暴れる女王蜂女 | inochi o kezuri abareru jooubachi onna | The queen bee ran wild, recklessly. |
ガソリンを浴びてる | gasorin o abiteru | She was covered in petrol. |
緑のマリア緑のマリア | midori no maria midori no maria | Green Maria, green Maria. |
あなたの全て受け入れる | anata no subete ukeireru | I'll take you as you are. |
笑え緑の粉末でランデブー | warae midori no funmatsu de randebuu | Laugh, and let's rendezvous with your green powder. |
死ぬまで暴れまわる | shinu made abaremawaru | We'll rampage until we die. |
命僅かなマリア | inochi wazuka na maria | There's not much left in the tank, Maria. |
充血した目で熱いキス | juuketsu shita me de atsui kisu | With bloodshot eyes and passionate kisses, |
下唇思いっきり吸い込んで | shitakuchibiru omoikkiri suikonde | I sucked up my lower lip with all my might. |
耳を塞いで目を閉じて | mimi o fusaide me o tojite | Close your eyes and block your ears, |
パンツ下して私の上においで | pantsu oroshite watashi no ue ni oide | drop your panties and come on top of me. |
スコッチ持ってきて | sukocchi motte kite | Bring the scotch |
すぐさま乾杯だ | sugusama kanpai da | and let's drain our glasses. Cheers! |
酔いもそろそろ来たんじゃねぇ | yoi mo sorosoro kita nja nee | Starting to feel drunk now, huh? |
誘惑の緑の缶の出番かね | yuuwaku no midori no kan no deban ka ne | I guess it's time for that tempting green can. |
ごきげんよう皆さん | gokigen'you minasan | How do you do, everybody? |
面白いものをお見せします | omoshiroi mono o omise shimasu | I'm going to show you something interesting, |
世にも珍しい鮮やかな緑 | yo ni mo mezurashii azayaka na midori | an extremely peculiar, vivid green. |
人生この顔料で染めとこうか | jinsei kono ganryou de sometokou ka | Shall I dye life with this pigment? |
お前のキャデラックこの色だっけ | omae no kyaderakku kono iro dakke | Was your Cadillac the same colour? |
いや黒にラメを飛ばしてるだけ | iya kuro ni rame o tobashiteru dake | No, it's just black with some sparkle through it, |
緑のシートのローライダー | midori no shiito no rooraidaa | a lowrider with green seats. |
エアサスとびます | easasu tobimasu | The air suspension is bouncing. |
パリスグリーン | parisu guriin | Paris green. |
完全にイカレてる | kanzen ni ikareteru | That queen bee |
女王蜂女 | jooubachi onna | is utterly bonkers. |
短命の兵士と | tanmei no heishi to | The short-lived soldiers |
緑のマリア緑のマリア | midori no maria midori no maria | are with green Maria, green Maria. |
私の全て受け入れて | watashi no subete ukeirete | Take me for who I am |
笑え緑の粉末でブッ飛んどく | warae midori no funmatsu de buttondoku | and laugh, get high on my green powder. |
誰もが認める悪党の | dare mo ga mitomeru akutou no | She's a scoundrel in anyone's eyes, |
イカレたマリア | ikareta maria | crazy Maria. |
English translation by Releska
Character Appearances[]